Leaf Art Projects

Phase 2 - “Women in art”

Trivandrum Art Fair . Phase 2 – “Women in art”. Featuring 9 women artists, who have found their niche in the mainstream contemporary art. Sajitha R Shankhar,   Dr. Kavitha Balakrishnan,   Babitha Rajiv,   Sara Hussain   Babitha Kadannappalli,    Sabitha Kadannappalli,   Dodsy Antony,   Usha Ramachandran   . . . Talk by Dr. Kavitha Balakrishnan, “Thinking through an intellectual history of Women Artists in Kerala”, open forums, and other related events, with the exhibition

usha 1
Ale and Judith 1
Ale and Judith 6
artists 1
artists 5
audience 3 AAAAAA
babitha 2
babitha kada 1
Bina Paul 2
bindhi 6
dodsy 2
gallery 2
gallery 7
gallery 11
gallery 12
gallery 13
gallery 21
gopidas godfry
Jaykumar 1
karakkamandapam 1
kattoor 1
kushi patel 1
ramankutty 2
rimzon 2
rimzon 4
sabitha kada 1
sara 1
sara 4
suresh panicker 1
T P Sreenivasan 1
team 2 AAA
thomas 8